Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

i just keep seeing people talk about it on myspace

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?



The original emo was short for emotive-hardcore, a subgenre of 1980's DC punk. Some of these bands were Moss Icon, Rites of Spring, and Dag Nasty. These kids were closely tied to punk. The few existing "original" emos dress like nerds with sweater vests and dress pants.


This one came up in the early 90's. These kids wear tight shirts and old, cut-up jeans. They have messenger bags and carry around a notebook to write poetry. They have black rimmed glasses and are "over-emotional" but NOT whiny. They get the most down about relationships. They enjoy the arts and reading in-depth books. They have many opinions and often talk about them. They usually hang out in coffee shops. They listen to pretentious or acoustic music.


This one came about around the mid-2000's. They have blogs and they whine about everything. They dye their hair with cheap black hair dye. Their hair is messy, greasy, and has side-swept bangs. Their clothes are much like the previous version, only they have a larger emphasis on band tee's and they have started wearing skinny jeans. They love Chuck's and Van's. They listen to pop-punk music and adore Hot Topic. Self-harm is a pretty recent addition to "Emo".


Many say the first Emo album was Husker Du's Zen Arcade back in 1984. This actual Emo music managed to stay popular with "Emo" people until about 1999 at which point the media stole this term to describe bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Jimmy Eat World. These became the bands for the next version of Emo. Around 2006 they began to get confused with goths.


That just became a trend, to be unique. When a lot of people think "unique" they think "unpopular". That is what Emo was before and now it's just a "popular" thing to do when you are "hurting".

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

i want to know as well...

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

Emo is both a clothing style and an attitude coming from the word "Emotional". Emos are generally depressed or pretend to be depressed and wear the emo style. Those were wear the style but don't act depressed are called scene and the two are sometimes interchangeable. Guy emos wear tight pants, tight shirts, and long bangs. Girls generally do the same, but they don't seem as common. Eyeliner is common, and some wear scarves and bows in their hair. Piercings generally go along with the style.

Emo has also been called "Pseudo-Goth" as it is sort of the same, but not really. Hot Topic is the main Emo/Goth store.

Emo can also refer to the type of music a person listens to. Screamo music and hard rock are generally considered Emo, especially if they are more or less depressing. A lot of Emos really like the band My Chemical Romance.

I'm being pretty steriotypical here, but that about sums it up, I think.

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

*chuckle* you are going to get alot of answers to this one.

"emo" originally came out of a type of punk rock in the early to mid 80's... sometimes called emocore, or emotionally hardcore punk. However in the mid 90's the term got associated with an indie scene whose core was a group of fans of Fugazi...

However in the late 90's the scene pretty much died, and a bunch of mainstream bands picked up the look from the bands from the earlier emo groups and now the term has become pretty much to mean the scene kids that are imitating the look from the earlier groups.

Course I was only seeing this from the outside, as I stuck with the industrial and goth music subcultures myself back in the 80's

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

the cutiest little voice ever...ooops i thought you said elmo

What is emo? where did it come from? why is it so popular?

stupid kids think that they have such hard lives, i mean, come on, mom and dad won't let me stay out till 3 in the morning and make me do homework...... they just don't know how hard being a teenager is...... wahhhh wahhhh........ adults are so lame, they think that you should have to like, not pierce your face to get a job..... screw them......

yeah, thats about what i see from "emo homo's" that and the cross dressing.

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