Monday, December 28, 2009

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

Well this morning i was checking my myspace before i went to school and now they have a new thing where you see peoples new updates and i see some pics of my Friend with pics of his upper body cut up and bleeding now i am not the only one concerned about this but me and my other friends dont know what to do should i call the police hospital mental ward or something? I mean I think this is a point of extreme where he should get help but where do i turn to get him it if he needs?

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

cutting yourself in the first place is taking it way way way too far. Is he depressed? I know alot of the time people cut because it's like venting. They hurt so much emotionally that they hurt themselves physically to make the emotional pain go away. Is he in high school? Like he lives with his parents?


oh and by the way the girl who commented directly under me is a flaming RETARD.

also "emo" is a style of music so a person can't be emo.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

the point at which it's too far is the FIRST TIME IT HAPPENS!

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

when you said the word "emo", you went too far.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

alot of my friends cut and i have been trying to get them to stop... and some of them %26lt;I%26gt;have%26lt;/I%26gt; stopped... and im very proud of them for that... i think that cutting is taking it too far at all... i am very against it

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

Go to your Guidance Counselor at school and log on to show them your concern. They will take it from there and you've done your part to begin to get him some help.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

he's your friend, he wont be alive if you let him do this and he kills himself. Do your duty as a friend, he may not like it, but at least he will be alive, and he cannot hate you for that. I'm sorry you have to make such a difficult decision.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

It is stupid for a person to cut themselves. I used to be called self mutilation before some genius decided it was cool and relabeled it EMO.

He needs help you need to let the counselor, parents, principle or someone in authority know. He needs help

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

he needs help, turn him in, take him somewhere, if he did it the first time the second time can be worst!

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

If this person ids your friend, you should do something. Try calling the local mental health center and asking them what you can do or what they could do for her.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

I'm sorry if there's some emo fans here but emo are often causing too much drama around them as it is. Emo crave attention and nothing more how do u think they got popular anyway? Suicide gets most attention nowadays that's how emo got popular. I think u should wait abit and ignore for awhile and i think things will blow over i have an emo friend she tried cutting to get attention she did it twice and on the third time i stopped paying attention and she stopped.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

Cutting yourself once is a serious problem. First go and approach your friend. Just listen and ask questions to try to get them to open up without seeming nosey. The most common reason why people cut themselves is because they hold everything in and need a way to release the pain. I dont know how old you are, but if the person is underaged, you have to tell an adult if you are truely concerned. If the person has said anything about suicide and has said that they have the means, and plan of how they are going to do it tell someone right away. Let your friend know that you are honestly concerned and that you are being a true friend by trying to help them and support them. Try to also steer clear of words like "crazy" or "psychotic" as both a extremely hurtful. If you are worried about being alone with the person take them to a public place such as a cafe or maybe just invite them to a movie and dinner and talk to them any chance you get. Just showing interest might help your friend. Also look online for counceling hotlines that may also be able to help your friend. And if at any time you are concerned for their lives or someone else's or if you cant handle it yourself, you have to tell someone. Hope this helps.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

self mutilation and cutting are problems more deep than the stigma "emo" leads on. emo is a fashon statement, just like gangster, prep whatever u happen to be comfortable wearing. yes he does need help if he is cutting or doing other forms of self mutilating (branding, pulling out hair, ect.) you can tell his parents to begin with (assuming he is a minor) if he is an adult you cant force him to get treatment, just encourage.. good luck/.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

Don't dance around the subject. Tell him how f wierd it is.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

there is a massive difference between self injury (cutting) and emo.

if he is self injurying then confront him and suggest he speak to someone about it - school counsellor, doctor etc. and educate yourself on what YOU can do to help him.

if he is doing it for the attention cos he thinks it's cool to be emo then buy him a decent blade, tell him to give it up with cutting his upper body and direct him to his wrists (up, not across) and be done with it.

self injury is an illness. those who self injure (myself included) struggle every single day to try and NOT cut. it's idiots who think it's "cool" that make us look bad and attach the stigma surrounding self injury to us. i'm sure if they lived ONE DAY of our lives, they wouldn't be thinking it was so cool. again, it's an illness and a serious problem and it sickens me when people invalidate how serious it is because it's "cool".

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

Before you go to the extreme, go up to him, sit him down and talk with him and your friends, find out whats up, and why hes doing this, there is a reason, even if he denies it, if this continues go talk to the school nurse, or a guidance concealer or call a hotline see whats best... if you live in Canada, I have a book I got from a mental lock down place, I can give you some numbers. Actually some are national too.

btw little words of advice, someone who cuts them self isn't emo. Saying that word is taking it to an extreme, there is a huge difference, emo is a genre of music, not a person.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

one time too many. I used to be a cutter, and The first time i tried it, it hurt, but when you keep going u will get numb. When your numb you dont feel it. And that feeling made me do it even more. Cutting is a way to release built up anger and sadness. What your friend really needs is someone strong enough to take on his hurts. But before you do that, make sure you can handle it yourself. If you cant handle it, then definetely call a hospital. I was there too and their not as bad as people think. I learned how to cope and talk. And i learned what my trigger points were and how to handle them in a positive way. This is definetely more serious than you think. Good luck, and plz be their for your friend.

In the event of emo(cutting self) is there a point where someone is taking it to far?

try and approach him tell him what the problem is, if this doesnt help try to approach a physiciatrist so he can be treated well and resolve his problems, because the next step might be suicide for him

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