Thursday, December 24, 2009

How do you make a myspace layout?

what i want to kno is how to actually MAKE one not find one cause im pretyy shure that some people will do that

but i try to make one on the things but it never turns out the right way

my friends hav reallu cool ones that like hav their names on it and stuff but i can never make it like that

if you people on here are really nice you could make me a really awesome one and email it to me but if not and all u wanna do is tell me how to that is perfectly fine

but if u do wanna make me one i like like emo-ish/quotes/icons or sumthin like that but it doesnt really matter to me

How do you make a myspace layout?

Well, there are tons of web sites that have "myspace profile generators" on their sites.

I can make you one, but I need detail on anything that you would want done to it. Then I can send it to you.

But here are a few links to where you could make your own. Hope it helps

How do you make a myspace layout?

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