Monday, November 30, 2009

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

on imeem: (you'll need an account..)

on myspace: (our page is new and we're looking for friends.. the song takes a while to load though..)

umm.. tell me what you think of my band and our song.. we're new so obviously we're not that good yet.. pls be easy with the critisism..

enjoy. (or not..)

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

I'd have to say 5. I like acoustic emo, and a variety of other music.

The lyrics were moving, the music is pretty dang good, but the lead singer is a little shaky... I think he needs to be replaced or get a better mic and then post new songs...

you have potential, but the singer made it pretty hard to take seriously... he sounds unsure of himself.. its ok though! You're new and you will only get better with time. Keep up the good-- er, keep it up! lol Nah I'm just playing.. i love the discography pics and the dude in the pic is a hottie!

BEst of luck to you and ur band! I'll def. keep checking ur site!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

emo sucks

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?


Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

"If you don't like accoustic emo don't click.."

So you really only want people who like that kind of music to answer? Man, that's just cheesy. If you are going to ask people's opinions, you have to be prepared for people to not like it.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

I'm not into acoustic-emo at all!!! But your song was okay, It didnt make my ears bleed. I'm sure you dont have fancy equipment so for basically singing and playing music "live" I'd say you're okay... keep practicing as practice makes perfect!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

You guys have a lot of potential, but a lot of cleaning up to do to. Best of luck!

5 and a 1/2

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

8 not bad, practice makes perfect.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

not bad. I listened on myspace and I'll give ya a 7. some parts were a bit static-ish so you should sort that out but apart from that it was pretty good and I don't even usually like emo music =)

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

7 its good

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?



you wont hit it big but maybe you'll get a few thousand people that will like you if you improve.


Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

You are pretty good =)

I listened on Myspace. I'd give you 7/10 and I think you have a lot of potential!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

7; you guys are good.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?


TONS of potential.

Needs cleaning up, though.

Add me.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

Sorry,didn't care for it.RATING 1

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

yeah...its not that good.

try the 'slip and fall' to get your cash..cause this aint gonna pan out

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

8/10 you guys are good. you all could and hopefully will go places!! what kinda vinues do you gig at?.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

i think the singing could use some improvement....otherwise a descent song

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

hm...i would have to say in between a 7and 8, you guys have a great vocalist, and i like the sound of the acoustic, but i would say more practice.

oh and just recommending to leave out the raspy voice at the end of phrases, and when you add the backround voice, make sure it is in harmony with the main vocalist, like dont go to high.

but you guys are pretty good!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

hey, i like acoustic stuff ok, so i checked it out. don't sing like that. holy crap. its ok to sing in a high register, but don't do that swoony-boy-band thing. nice intro though.

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