Saturday, November 21, 2009

Myspace scene names help!?


i want an emo/punk/scene name for myspace.

like people have chris caiotic adura autopsy rhonda riot.

names like that.

my name is taylor.

i cant think of any so

can anyone help?

Myspace scene names help!?

lol shouldnt your "scene name" be something a litle bit more personal than what kids on yahoo say?

You should really try and come up with your own.... copy-ing isnt flattering at all : [

Butttt... you could do something like

taylor toxic

Taylor taxonomy { lol}

Taylor... and something else that starts with a t.


You could do your middle name i.e. Alyssa.Jordinne. ( thats mine :]])

But i still think you should come up with your own. And BE ORIGINAL!

Myspace scene names help!?

i hugged a prep at an emo concert

taylor nightmare

taylor biotic

twisted taylor

taylor perfectly unperfect

taylor scene

Myspace scene names help!?

Haha are you kidding me?

Don't label yourself as scene.

ESPECIALLY if you can't even think up

your own 'scene' name.

Taylor Terrrrooorrrr, would be good though.

Myspace scene names help!?

Im scene and since im scene i need a scence name just to prove im scene and i like to copy every over scene kid and have a scene name just to prove that im really trying to be scene.

A bit of a psoer are we dear?

Myspace scene names help!?

haha the girl above me (ashley) is funny!

well my name is taylor as well. my name on myspace and my nickname in real life is tayrawr. Please don't use it, i'd really appreciate it. But instead before I decided to use my lifelong nickname I used:

Tay(or taylor) tourniquet.

Tay(or taylor) terror

Kill Taylor (like the band Kill Hannah)

But, hun really if you claim to be "scene" it's all about originality...

and i wish people would stop labeling themselves. It's pointlesss

Labels are for SOUP CANS not people.

Myspace scene names help!?

Wow....A great majority of today's public and youth are nothing but psuedoistic cliches. Unfortunately most of those people will die of old age never having known who their true selves are or carry any real potential for self progression as they are to focused on their esthetics and vicariously an empty capitalist lifestyle. Maybe you should be original instead of becoming a clone of this "scene" world of wannabes.

Myspace scene names help!?

taylor saurus rex

taylor terror

taylor tampon


ne for gail?

Myspace scene names help!?







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