Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My friend fakes her identity and is obsessed with the computer and talking to hot guys on myspace. h

I summed it up. She pretends to be this really popular emo girl and adds all these hot guys on myspace and AIM/MSN. Last weekend she came over to my place only to use the computer for 3 hours and fifteen minutes. I AM GETTING SICK OF IT! What should I do? she has a very unreasonable attitude and can be very rude/arrogant. I don't like her as much, but I still want to be friends.

My friend fakes her identity and is obsessed with the computer and talking to hot guys on myspace. help?

Help her immediately. She could turn out to be in grisly circumstances soon. She might be in them now. Who know if those "hot guys" are just getting the pics off the net and pasting it on their profile as them? They could actually be old Craisins with no one that loves them. Yuck.

My friend fakes her identity and is obsessed with the computer and talking to hot guys on myspace. help?

that sounds just like my friend but 2 i also need an answer

get 2 me

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