Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, nor

Its not a big deal and i hate labels as much as the next person. But so many say they only call people emo if they act depressed or wahtecer, but i think most is based on the image. I know this boy gets called emo and scene and **** on Myspace alot, and he is a really happy boy so it seems its from the image. He has shaggy hair and two lip piercings, but just because someones hair is shaggy doesnt mean they are emo. His hair kind of looks like a surfer. I dont know many "emos" that wear those kind of shirts either. I find him really attractive so if youre going to respond just to bash on him. please just go choke. Its a question and im just curious to see answers.

Thanks to anyone that answers intelligently. And once again, im not trying to "label" but other people will which is why im asking. And since they do, if i had to label him it would NOT be emo.

He is here.

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

well from what im told, emo is short for emotional young person/teen, so the best way to find out would be to see if he fits into that catagory, last time i checked having shaggy hair and your lip peirced wasnt considered emo, posibly punk, but even so everyone is an individual. as long as hes not slitting his wrists or drinking snake blood you shouldnt worry what people think

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

looks like a Zac Efron wannabe to me. Total poser

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

a little emo, but u should show us a picture which can see his whole face.

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

okay he is not a bad looking kid but he needs to cut that hair it looks like he just rolled out of bed

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

If I were to see him walking down the street and I had no idea who he was I would probably assume that he was an emo because he follows the normal stereotype of what an emo looks like. And all the emos that I know are obsessed with taking pictures of just themselves and that is the picture you posted. So to me he does seem emo. However, because I don't know his personality it really is hard to say. If you say he's not the depressed type than maybe he's just a poser or likes that style.

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

Honestly unless u know this person personaly, the choice of talking abou him and putting his pic up where more ppl can see it is NOT your choice. It is HIS. U may be trying to help him out but maybe he IS emo. Emo is a lifestyle. How u think of yourself, how you dress, how you act and most importantly MUSIC. Emo revoles around music, its wat its all about. I have been labled Emo at my school but I don't mind becuz Im all about the music and emo is all about the music. Some ppl think that emo ppl have to have terriblle lives and slit thier wrist but really its not that. It more music, look and outlook on life. ^_^ -_-,

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

sry but yea... he looks like a poser... but no... hez def not emo. I love that style. I know emo, punk, and scene and thatz not it. Emo used to just be used as a life style.. which is what it rly is.. but it is becoming more and more common for ppl to use it to name a style.. And Is it rly ur business to put up other ppls pics and ask everyone on yahoo questions about them?

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

people who have to create labels for others just aren't worth the time. i know it's out there, but why search for it. who cares? caring about what you are labeled is just as bad as people who do the labeling. it's hard to ignore, but a label never lasts. so don't take the time worrying about it.

defy the label

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

An emo person can be happy and always smile, just because you're emo dooes not mean you are always depressed and want to kill yourself. Its short for emotional but people put stupid labels on it. People's true emotions don't always show on the outisde.

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

Ive been around a few decades (jfks times) and seen many styles. I can pick groups people want to been seen as belonging to, sometimes theyre too far out to fingure it out, becasu they are too individual, and mix and match groups or styles at the same time.

So on to this dude - He looks as much an emo as Spock feels he is human.

Really he just looks like a standard kid of today, not an emo. But even if you know he is or isn't it really doesnt matter. And emos are not depressed nor violent as a stereotype - although just as in any group they may attract people of that nature.

I'm sure if this guy had to, he'd wear pink and go ballroom dancing if that was what you wanted him to do, not that these are bad (colour or activity).

So call him what you like. I don't think good or bad of anyone because of the group or groups they associate with. Its all for fun. But remember if a person is violent or abusive. Stay clear. There is no excuse for that.

Is this guy emo/scene or what would you call him? Seriously i want an answer from someone. Prep, normal, what?

you know it is illegal to post pictures of minors with out permission of the parents/person and that there are many perverts on the internet right!!!! anyways people mostly label him as emo/goth/punk because of the eyeliner peircings and hair. alot of skaters wear that style.... is he emo? no, people just get so use to calling people who dress a certain way after the stereotypes. Is it fair no. this stage of dress will change once he matures. and maybe you want to label him as your potential boyfriend instead of a skater. Luck with the boy. why i say this you defend him alot. and take off his pictures...

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