Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is he emo?

ok so i met this guy at church. we r both 13 and we like eachother. alot. he wears all black so i kinda kno hes a lil depressed but not really why. we've only known eachother for like 4 weeks so we r still gettin to kno eachother. no he asked me out today and i said yes :]]

so we were IMing eachother on myspace and omg hes the sweetest person ive ever met. i really like him. then all of a sudden i get this friend request from some girl idk and i check out her profile and see that she is one of his friends and that they were commeting eachother. i read them and my heart sank. heres what theye said

y r u depressed i am to 24/7,we both have some of the same problems but i have tons of things that make me depressed,kk well my friends hate me just cus ive gone dark and i am

sad all the time,know and i do have a gf and she is so nice and beautiful and that helps a little,im emo too i think its a disease and i have caught it .

i kno he doesnt like her but im jst worried that hes emo

Is he emo?

Everyone gets depressed at some time in their lives. If it's true about his dad then chances are he has more reason than a lot of people who fall into the emo fad. I've come to realize that a lot of the seemingly emo people aren't as bad off as they make themselves out to be, they just need someone to talk to.

If he's a nice guy and you like being with him, then the best thing you can do is just be there for him and learn what you can. maybe the emo thing is just his way or feelling and getting attention. Maybe he just likes the style. Bottom line is that if you care about him you'll let him be himself around you and open up to you.

Best of luck.

Is he emo?

sound about right

Is he emo?

i only judge people by their appearance, so i don't know.

Is he emo?

Nope, just a poser trying to get attention

Is he emo?

that boys not an emo....hes a wannabe emo who seeks attention...dont always give them what they want...if ya dont want him to be emo.....dont give him attention...and wtf black dont mean ur depressed i wear black tops and im deff no could just make u look smaller lol

Is he emo?

yea he is and is his name jack i think i might know him ........

Is he emo?

Being Emo doesn't necessarily mean that he cuts himself. Wearing black a lot doesn't make anyone emo either. I heard a good description once that Emo is just a style which appreciates more emotional/sensitive subjects and music and may like to wear darker colours.

Emo isn't a disease - depression is a "disease" which can be diagnosed by a proper doctor or psychiatrist. And he shouldn't go aroudn thinking he has depression unless he's talked to a doctor first. Everyone gets sad at times, but that's not the same as depression.

Is he emo?

why do you think wearing black clothes means i'm depressed lol i don't wake up in the morning and go i'm jealous i'm gonna wear a green shirt wth sorry i'm to lazy to read the rest anyways what does it matter what he labels himself as

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