Monday, November 30, 2009

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

the name has to be good. and i dont want it to be very preppy. maybe like punk, emo, or like goth. please help.

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

To get my name I picked two words that just sounded cool and unexpected to go together. Vindictive Immunity --- meaning I am immune to vindictive behavior. Cool huh? People call me VI for short.

I am also known as Heater Mama or just Mama, in the music scene, in which I also use on myspace.

So to that I say, do some creative word play games to come up with something or take a spin off a nickname you might have amongst your friends.

I don't know anything about you, otherwise I would give you a suggestion outright. Good Luck!

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

what bout Devil BabY?

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?

can't these peepz have wut we call a life? so far a great BIG deal of the myspace population are made up of whites actin ghetto when there obviously not, tryin sooooo hard to be emo (black %26amp; white pix with eleventy million mirrors).. sum gurls tryin to be tila tequila. umm why the **** are they being sumthin there not?? i see a lot of em where i live too its sooo totally saddening.

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?

No offense, but 1edge3 made a good point. It's kinda hypocritical to blast Whites for acting "ghetto" when your avatar is of a Black female with blond hair AND blue eyes. Gee ... trying to be White any?

Dark Black folks don't have naturally blond hair and blue eyes. So I recommend you stop blasting others for acting fake.

ADDED: Notice she changed her avatar just now. How coincidental. Interesting person ...

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?


Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?

Jealous!!!!!! The Myspace population is filled with all types of race so just Let People be the way they wanna be it ain't harming no one.

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?

You have a black avatar.

... with blonde hair...

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?


I find one of your questions ironic (as I clicked your name) It asks how to fade roots, cause you aren't naturally blonde LOL!!!

Y do y'all crackas have to be such poseurs on myspace?

they will stop when you stop trying to act like a rich white valley girl

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

on imeem: (you'll need an account..)

on myspace: (our page is new and we're looking for friends.. the song takes a while to load though..)

umm.. tell me what you think of my band and our song.. we're new so obviously we're not that good yet.. pls be easy with the critisism..

enjoy. (or not..)

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

I'd have to say 5. I like acoustic emo, and a variety of other music.

The lyrics were moving, the music is pretty dang good, but the lead singer is a little shaky... I think he needs to be replaced or get a better mic and then post new songs...

you have potential, but the singer made it pretty hard to take seriously... he sounds unsure of himself.. its ok though! You're new and you will only get better with time. Keep up the good-- er, keep it up! lol Nah I'm just playing.. i love the discography pics and the dude in the pic is a hottie!

BEst of luck to you and ur band! I'll def. keep checking ur site!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

emo sucks

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?


Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

"If you don't like accoustic emo don't click.."

So you really only want people who like that kind of music to answer? Man, that's just cheesy. If you are going to ask people's opinions, you have to be prepared for people to not like it.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

I'm not into acoustic-emo at all!!! But your song was okay, It didnt make my ears bleed. I'm sure you dont have fancy equipment so for basically singing and playing music "live" I'd say you're okay... keep practicing as practice makes perfect!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

You guys have a lot of potential, but a lot of cleaning up to do to. Best of luck!

5 and a 1/2

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

8 not bad, practice makes perfect.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

not bad. I listened on myspace and I'll give ya a 7. some parts were a bit static-ish so you should sort that out but apart from that it was pretty good and I don't even usually like emo music =)

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

7 its good

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?



you wont hit it big but maybe you'll get a few thousand people that will like you if you improve.


Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

You are pretty good =)

I listened on Myspace. I'd give you 7/10 and I think you have a lot of potential!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

7; you guys are good.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?


TONS of potential.

Needs cleaning up, though.

Add me.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

Sorry,didn't care for it.RATING 1

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

yeah...its not that good.

try the 'slip and fall' to get your cash..cause this aint gonna pan out

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

8/10 you guys are good. you all could and hopefully will go places!! what kinda vinues do you gig at?.

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

i think the singing could use some improvement....otherwise a descent song

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

hm...i would have to say in between a 7and 8, you guys have a great vocalist, and i like the sound of the acoustic, but i would say more practice.

oh and just recommending to leave out the raspy voice at the end of phrases, and when you add the backround voice, make sure it is in harmony with the main vocalist, like dont go to high.

but you guys are pretty good!

Pls rate my band from 1-10.. (if you don't like acoustic-emo, don't click here..)?

hey, i like acoustic stuff ok, so i checked it out. don't sing like that. holy crap. its ok to sing in a high register, but don't do that swoony-boy-band thing. nice intro though.

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

My friend who is completely rebellious to his parents made a big deal about me making a myspace, when i am 14, and am allowed to do it. i haven't told my parents, and he is going to betray me. (btw, i'm not emo) your thoughts?

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

wow thats gay that hes doin 14 n i have a myspace n ik liike 5th graders that hav em...jus so wen he tells them and jus incase they would get mad...make it private and dont make your picture a picture of urself and change ur display name

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

If you've got nothing to hide then what's the big deal?

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

what does emo have anything to do with having a myspace? there is nothing wrong with having one. tell your parents before he gets a chance. that will solve the whole problem

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

figure out how to block it from people that are not your friends and tell the parents you can even show them

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

Tell your parents and dont put anything on it that would make them mad. I know ppl with accounts that are younger than 14.

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?

well i first had a social network account when i was 13, and now i'm 17 and nothing 'bad' has happened to me.

there's nothing wrong with myspace, in fact, a lot of good can come from it

Is it a deal that i have a myspace?







I really need a myspace name!!?

My name is jamey and im not very creative... and it has to be emo!!!

I really need a myspace name!!?

emolover sounds great to me.

I really need a myspace name!!?

The Dungeon Maiden.

I really need a myspace name!!?

LOL the guy who said emolover was good, i was looking at it and thought EM-LOV-ER? then i was like huh.. then i thought EMPLOYER? no.. thats not it.. then i realised it was emo lover.. jees talk about a blonde moment! how about

Fu[c]king hardcore.


aww thats all i got, sorry hope i could help!

I really need a myspace name!!?

鈥爚j@m3Y~鈥?br>I really need a myspace name!!?

茠唯蟼魏Ing J鈭€IM鈭兾?br>

Put " ; " after evry opne of these where there are regular letters there is a space and underneath it is an arro w/ letters next to it: ^___

%26amp;fnof %26amp;Psi %26amp;sigmaf %26amp;kappa %26amp;forall %26amp;exist %26amp;lambda


So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

the name has to be good. and i dont want it to be very preppy. maybe like punk, emo, or like goth. please help.

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

To get my name I picked two words that just sounded cool and unexpected to go together. Vindictive Immunity --- meaning I am immune to vindictive behavior. Cool huh? People call me VI for short.

I am also known as Heater Mama or just Mama, in the music scene, in which I also use on myspace.

So to that I say, do some creative word play games to come up with something or take a spin off a nickname you might have amongst your friends.

I don't know anything about you, otherwise I would give you a suggestion outright. Good Luck!

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

what bout Devil BabY?

So im making a myspace layout site. can someone tell me a good name?

Myspace default layouts and whore codes!?


Uhm, does anyone now any good websites where I can find any of the following!

Not the standard defaults but the ones where you can only see and image to the sides!

Default layouts!






-Plain Colors!

and a good place to make a whore code!

Btw, I like to edit my pictures on myspace like adding effects to them and stuff!

Not really changing much!

But yeah if anyone knows any good photo editing software! I would appreciate it if you told me!

Myspace default layouts and whore codes!?

ummm. i think does

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

Not emo, kinda emo, but not super emo. I'm sick of crappy sites with no good graphics.

Anyone know where I can find good ones?

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

Where can I find good myspace layouts? Report It

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

This is a good one:

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

You can add some people who make profiles and you can get skinny ones and seasonal ones.

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

COOLCHASER!!! It'll take you a while to 'get it', but I got so sick of those kmart looking layouts and found this site. If you look, you'll see. It's just that you have to learn it for a little while. It's worth it!

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

Where can I find good myspace layouts?

well i lik tha layout on or

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

I'm at a complete loss for a song for my myspace

but i know i want some good punk-type music

that's about love, and being together, and happy.

if not punk/rock/emo, then any good love songs

but not too much classical music though.

Thanks, a lot. [:

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

"Suspension" by Mae =]


"Lately I'm alright

And lately I'm not scared

I've figured out

That what you do to me feels like

I'm floating on air

I don't need to know right now

All I know is I believe

In the very thing that got us here

And now I can't leave

Say anything, but say what you mean

'cause I'm caught in suspension


I'm wanting this for sure

And I'll beg for nothing more

I'll plan all day and drive all night

You'll love what's in store

I can't seem to stop this now

Even if it's not so clear

And I'll take what I can get

If you want me here

Say anything, but say what you mean.

When you whisper you want this

Your eyes tell the same

We are gaining speed

I can barely breathe

'cause I'm caught in suspension

It's enough for me to get excited

It's enough for me to feel whoa"

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

blue and yellow by the used is really good

my beautiful rescue by this providence is really good

thunder by boys like girls

such great heights by the postal service

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

have you tried tegan and sara? I don't know how emo/punk they are but I think tthey are awesome =]

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

A song by a band called All Time Low. Its called Six feet under the stars. Its a really good song [kinda about love] check it out.

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse

Elastic - Outspoken

Good Enough - Evanescence

Caught in the Rain - Revis

For You - The Calling

they're all great songs!

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

I'm like a lawer with the way im always trying to get you off (me and you)-Fall Out Boy

Anything by The Academy is... (everything we had, same blood, seed etc.)

the truth about heaven-Armor For Sleep

run to you-The Rocket Summer

A lot of stuff by Tegan and Sara i cant think of anything off the top of my head

Tiger Lily-The Matches

those are al love-ish songs

feel free to email

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

lovesong by the cure

one of the best songs ever, and certainly one of the best love songs.

more post-punk, but. awesome nonetheless.

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

hey there delilah-plain white tees.

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

The first punk song to enter the UK charts was 'New Rose' by the Damned. I think it's quite a good love song, and a real punk classic too:

"..... I got a new rose I got her good

Guess I knew that I always would

I can't stop to mess around

I got a brand new rose in town

I never thought this could happen to me

This is strange why should it be

I don't deserve somebody this great

I'd better go or it'll be too late ...."

If you don't like that one still thinking about the Damned what about 'Love Song' the first track on 'Machine Gun Etiquette'.

What are some good love songs, more like the punk/rock/emo genre?

How about Demolition Lovers by MCR.

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?

i joined myspace for a long time but i have no idea im gonna do there..I want to knowed..Where can i get the coolest layouts!!..Wht style should i take "EMO,ROCK,HIP-HOP,or stuff like that"..and also..How do i get more Girls on myspace.

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?

Myspace Sucks. Good Luck with all the viruses they put on your computer

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?

To get girls on myspace, shave all body hair, look like a 10 year old boy, and have hair like a chick, wear jeans like you have no junk, and put on make up....You might get mainly guys that look like you but a few girls might get interested in you...

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?


take the style that goes according to your personality =)

and for the layouts check this page

for the girls part browse for girls around where you live and add the ones you want or even join a myspace train to get whored and tons of people will add you

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?

for a cooler myspace page i recommend using "layovers" instead of typical layouts that you normally see.


they have some pretty great layovers

Any tips ? Geting better on Myspace..?

well for the layouts, use this site;

its very good, and easy to use

and for the girls..

add some people, and be nice

that way, their friends will think..

"hey, this persons well nice to my mate, i might add him"

just a thought lmao

good luck!

Where can I find these kind of MySpace layouts??

You know those little emo-like cartoon things that are usually yellow or blue, they have a little pink heart on their chests, and a little round head, triangle-like body, and little triangle-like arms?? If you still don't know what the heck I am talking about (lol) go here and you'll see wut I mean. Look at the TOP LEFT CORNER and they are there....

Anyway, about my question. Does anyone know what the heck they are called????? And where I can find myspace layouts with them on it?? Please help me out!! I love those little things!! lol XxXSarahXxX

Where can I find these kind of MySpace layouts??

Oh photobucket has thousands of those. just go there and search "love pictures" or "love icons" and you should find a lot

Myspace default layouts and whore codes!?


Uhm, does anyone now any good websites where I can find any of the following!

Not the standard defaults but the ones where you can only see and image to the sides!

Default layouts!






-Plain Colors!

and a good place to make a whore code!

Btw, I like to edit my pictures on myspace like adding effects to them and stuff!

Not really changing much!

But yeah if anyone knows any good photo editing software! I would appreciate it if you told me!

Myspace default layouts and whore codes!?

ummm. i think does

Make a myspace background?

how do you make myspace backgrounds???

can you use gimp?

I want to make my own...because everywhere else has really lame girly and emo i want to make my own ..anyone nkow how?????

plz help.

and dont youy need a code or what /?{???? i just need to know.

Make a myspace background?

the other guy said what i would say! u can use programs that will help you design them, nd you can get some pretty cool ones...but if you want the ideal one, thats a one of a kind, and mad cool...learn HTML!! it is actually not to difficult if you concentrate!

Make a myspace background?

learn HTML. You should start small with generators and codes to hide stuff after a while you will have enough training to make your self codes and layouts

Do you have a Myspace?

if sooo.....%26amp; you are punk/scene/emo/not gangster/dont hate any of the previously should add me!!

Do you have a Myspace?

I added you! Be aware that my default pic is a close up of my face, I look really pale, my hair is all frizzed up, and my eyes are ginormous. It's a true trailer trash picture, don't be alarmed LOL. :)

Do you have a Myspace?


but I don't add people under 18. sorry! :(

Do you have a Myspace?

I don't really add people I don't know, mine is more for keeping track of bands. But your profile picture is awesome.

Do you have a Myspace?

i want too.... IM me or send me email .....i would like to party with Rock on

I need a good pic idea for myspace.........?

my cousin wants me to fix her page on myspace....i also want a new pic for her profile but....she's not allowed to have a pic of anyideas...what the pic can be....she doesnt like...girly stuff....u knoe pink.....and she only likes red,black,brown,...lest say kinda like emo....but she not emo....

I need a good pic idea for myspace.........?

You could always use a drawing or animated gif instead of a photograph. I create icons for journals and messengers, perhaps you can find something you like for her on my website:

And if you don't, there are tons of other images, drawings, and free Myspace icons out there on the internet that she might like. Maybe there's a cartoon or book that she's a fan of, and you could find something from that?

I need a good pic idea for myspace.........?

Maybe like a picture of her shoes or feet or something? Or anything around her room, like a cherished possession or a stuffed animal.

I want candy... song on myspace?

there's this song on myspace, it's 'i want candy' by aaron carter, but there's this guy in the background. if you have a myspace and have heard it on someones profile, you may know what i'm talking about...

the guy sounds gay/emo.

please help, it's NOT by bow wow wow, the strangeoves, or wierd al yankovic..

I want candy... song on myspace?

That sounds like the song that was on Aqua Teen Hunger Force, episode "MC Pee pants".... Check it out I bet you find the artists if thats the song.... Good luck...

I want candy... song on myspace?

i have some candy for you just come into me rusty white van

I want candy... song on myspace?

Ahahahhahaha! Now that's funny!

How to do it? only if you have myspace?

ok so my hair is emo/scene and i always straigten it and now i am trying to acheive it coming out on the sides any way to show me or tell me will help thanks here are some pics to explain it better

How to do it? only if you have myspace?

get really short layers and tease it and use pomade and lots of freezing hair spray.

Make a myspace background?

how do you make myspace backgrounds???

can you use gimp?

I want to make my own...because everywhere else has really lame girly and emo i want to make my own ..anyone nkow how?????

plz help.

and dont youy need a code or what /?{???? i just need to know.

Make a myspace background?

the other guy said what i would say! u can use programs that will help you design them, nd you can get some pretty cool ones...but if you want the ideal one, thats a one of a kind, and mad cool...learn HTML!! it is actually not to difficult if you concentrate!

Make a myspace background?

learn HTML. You should start small with generators and codes to hide stuff after a while you will have enough training to make your self codes and layouts

Do you have a Myspace?

if sooo.....%26amp; you are punk/scene/emo/not gangster/dont hate any of the previously should add me!!

Do you have a Myspace?

I added you! Be aware that my default pic is a close up of my face, I look really pale, my hair is all frizzed up, and my eyes are ginormous. It's a true trailer trash picture, don't be alarmed LOL. :)

Do you have a Myspace?


but I don't add people under 18. sorry! :(

Do you have a Myspace?

I don't really add people I don't know, mine is more for keeping track of bands. But your profile picture is awesome.

Do you have a Myspace?

i want too.... IM me or send me email .....i would like to party with Rock on

What can I do to look emo?

Be specific please.

Look at my pics if you want.

BY THE WAY! IT'S NOT THAT I WANT TO BE EMO! I'm just joking because one day I want to go to school like that as a joke. I think It'd be pretty funny.

I actually really hate emo stuff, so yeah.

What can I do to look emo?

Buy cloths from the thrift store that are WAY too tight. Dye your hair black and make sure it's really messy looking. Put cloths pins on everything. paint your fingernails. and then walk around everywhere with your head down make yourself feel better carry a diary around to write down your deepest darkest emotions. You might be able to get many more laughs if you carry around one of those "JUMBO" sized pencil to write with.

Oh and be sure to say things like

"Just because I have sex with other guys doesn't mean I'm gay"

"Why do roses have thorns"

"My life is a black abyss"

What can I do to look emo?


What can I do to look emo?

What can I do to look emo?

Uhh.. I'm not sure you'd be willing to grow your hair.

What can I do to look emo?

just go in your nearest hot topic store and ask the guy working in the store to help you.

they are the masters.

What can I do to look emo?

Well that is kinda immature i say, but whatever back to your question.

Buy some skinny jeans from hot topic or you can try "girls" skinny jeans too... =p and a very fitted t-shirt.

Then apply foundation so you can get that white pale look. Create bold lines of eyeliner around your eyes..

Apply some red eyeshawdow around your eyes if you want.

What can I do to look emo?

Smack eyeliner all along your eyes and buy one of those fake lip rings and brush your hair towards your face.

What can I do to look emo?

if u wanna turn emo just be gay!

What can I do to look emo?

HUUUUUUUH? %26lt;3~

I Need A Name For Myspace!!!?

Hey,I Need A New Name On My Myspace!!!Can You Please Give Me Suggestions!!I Am REALLY Not Girlie So Dont Do Anything Girlie...I Like Emo,Punk Stuff!!Thanxx!!Nothing Stoopid Please!

I Need A Name For Myspace!!!?

Use your first name or a nickname ppl give you. You can also add cool symbols and hearts.

here is a list of myspace symbols to make your name look cool:

Do You like my Myspace page???

I know its a little dark,but thats just me i love my page,its just for sertain people that like things like this!!!

No im not emo,no im not exactly a punker

Im only 14 so yeah

Do You like my Myspace page???

i hate the repeat of the same image. and you say your not punk when your name is RosePunk. you make alota sense.

Do You like my Myspace page???

not really. sorry. :)it's just not me. but if it suits you then great.

Do You like my Myspace page???

if you like that punk look then yes

not my style though

Do You like my Myspace page???


Do You like my Myspace page???

why are you giving yourself a label?

also, it makes me computer so slowww because you have so many pictures on it.

andd i'm not sure why you're asking this question? (not to mention it's in the fashion part...)

if you say you like it, then why do you need other people opinion's?

Do You like my Myspace page???

Nope, try again

Do You like my Myspace page???

No. It is ugly, disorganized looking, and you are giving the wrong impression if you are not punk, as you claim. However, I have a 13 year old daughter, so I know for a fact that all you young girls are shallow, self-centered, don't really care about what people try to tell you and don't listen to anyone anyway.

EDIT: I am fully aware I was one once, which is more reason why I know exactly how you are. And it is not just my is ALL her friends.........and according to the other friends, family, and neighbors I have with teenage daughters, they all agree. So, you cannot fool me. I am an adult and a parent, and a former teenage girl myself. I wasn't born yesterday. You are too young to know what I am talking about, but you will one day.

Do You like my Myspace page???

its kinda stupid

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

(this is my second time asking this... not many people answered this for me...)

Would emo/scene hair look okay on a red head?

I am 16 and I have red brown hair. and I wanna get an emo/scene hair cut...

should i get streaks put into it first? if so what color?

My pic is on

if seeing it will help to decide if would look okay...

i kinda wanna do this as a back to school thing... ya kno?

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?


you should get long black hair extentions and platnum blond streaks/blotches in your bangs %26amp;%26amp; tipss.

holy crap you'd look AWSOMEE.

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

well ur pick won't upload so i can't tell. but i think bleach blonde streiks will look AWESOME with ur read hair. but i can't seee u so i don't know for sure but red heads def. work they are just uncommon. don't get black streiks cause you'll look like halloween all year long. if i had enough guts i would do it too but i don't.. if u post a pic up ill comment back and tell u whether or not it will work on u. but DEF get blonde strieks if ur gonna do it.

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

Your pic doesn't work, screwed link lol.

And since you have red hair just get black highlights and you'd look emo with side bangs.

And emo is not look to me, i think you have to really feel it.

I'm emo from the inside i don't like to show it, its not something you should be proud of, its so many problems i think its cruel..

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

ok me being a emo kid, emo hair looks good on anybod and it looks great on red heads because they do have red hair, and if you were to get streaks, black but dont get them before your hair is cut

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

your link wont upload but i think you prolly could with blonde and/or black streaks!!!

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

i think i love this boy, i do not believe in gay marriages, im cathloc, and thats just to far, but i am considering seeing my internet buddy for 6 months, saw him on webcam, talked on phone thats actually him, myspace..... k anyways im thinking about seeing him, have a sexual or yeah sexual relationship, yet if he doesnt work out, i still want to be with the girls, my question is, im emo, kinda, and i want one boyfriend, would that be classified as gay? i mean emo! so its kinda different then the guys wearing thongs right!!!

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

try them both, then decide which you like better.

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

Dude, your making the BIGGEST mistake of your life, if you like someone, and you met him on myspace and plan to meet in real life...THATS FREAKING DANGEROUS!! Dont be a fool, I belive in gay marages...But this...this is just too dangerous... Report It

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

W...T...F... dude stick to women

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

thats just sick gay is gay if you are cathlic well you aren't anymore just having thoughts is a sin man.

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

well i guess u'd call ur self bi if u like both

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

eww stick to girls

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

o wow, i have emo friends and they're kinda claim to be emo? that's a lie..emos never admit that unless you actually cut yourself, and if you do cut yourself then go see a shrink...i reccomend you stay straight....that's pretty grody

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

u came out of a closet man.

but always respect what u are. its your choice to live a life.

most of the people don't even dare to say who they actually fall for.

they go for opposite sex , just because they were socialized and that way.

" cause i am also proud that i am sexually attracted to girls ( not to unmention i am a man ) , which is not just because of the teaching and society's impact but its my choice too. , i thought a lot about that matter and asked myself a lot, and it said yes u are straight man."

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

u r gay u dont like girls its a cover up

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

Just tell her to wear a strap on once in a while when your doing it so u can get your fun up the *** and she can have her fun when u dicide to do here lol lol lol

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

even if you are emo your still gay but you could be bye so i wouldn worry about it to much

and if things dont work out with him and your then dating a woman you just dont mention it

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

Sounds like you swing both ways. ever thought you could be bi sexual. Many men have seperate lives away from there women.

They like both. many keep it private however. and balance both.

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

Well if you like girls too, then your bi. But if you are thinking about seeing him or not, then it's your choice, but if you want to love girls, then maybe you should let your boyfriend understand that you want to be with girls. But it's your choice. No one has the right to interfere with your choice. But if you like guys, that doesn't mean your gay if you still like girls. You decide.

Im a guy, can you love girls, but have a gay emo boyfriend? to have fun with?

dude ignore those ignorant fucckheads. but it sounds like ur bi...just do what ur heart tells u to do man! enjoy urself!

Do you know about ne myspace sites?

that have emo/scence/hardcore layouts... i dont wanna a website i want a site thats on myspace who i can add to my friends!

Do you know about ne myspace sites?

You just have to search on myspace.

In the search bar at the top.

There are plenty.

I'm sure of that.

I just haven't looked for any lately.

So, I'm sure of exact websites.


If you are emo/scene or just like rock music and you are like..a professional headbanger ;], Add me! Scene kids, ftw! :D


Yes, I know it's set to private. But add meh anyways! :D

Thanks peoples!


consider it done


you add me its

Myspace Bulletins?

I need to find a place for myspace bulletins. Like the ones with the X's and stuff. Like ones that say if your preppy, goth, emo, ghetto, punk, ext. ext. Or what country you should have been born in. Ones with the [x]! Anybody help me please?

Myspace Bulletins?

Like a survey/quiz site? Here are a few, if thats what you meant:

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

(this is my second time asking this... not many people answered this for me...)

Would emo/scene hair look okay on a red head?

I am 16 and I have red brown hair. and I wanna get an emo/scene hair cut...

should i get streaks put into it first? if so what color?

My pic is on

if seeing it will help to decide if would look okay...

i kinda wanna do this as a back to school thing... ya kno?

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?


you should get long black hair extentions and platnum blond streaks/blotches in your bangs %26amp;%26amp; tipss.

holy crap you'd look AWSOMEE.

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

well ur pick won't upload so i can't tell. but i think bleach blonde streiks will look AWESOME with ur read hair. but i can't seee u so i don't know for sure but red heads def. work they are just uncommon. don't get black streiks cause you'll look like halloween all year long. if i had enough guts i would do it too but i don't.. if u post a pic up ill comment back and tell u whether or not it will work on u. but DEF get blonde strieks if ur gonna do it.

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

Your pic doesn't work, screwed link lol.

And since you have red hair just get black highlights and you'd look emo with side bangs.

And emo is not look to me, i think you have to really feel it.

I'm emo from the inside i don't like to show it, its not something you should be proud of, its so many problems i think its cruel..

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

ok me being a emo kid, emo hair looks good on anybod and it looks great on red heads because they do have red hair, and if you were to get streaks, black but dont get them before your hair is cut

Red head - can I go with scene/emo hair? (AGAIN) HELP please!?

your link wont upload but i think you prolly could with blonde and/or black streaks!!!

Cool weird name for myspace?

i just got a myspace. and i want a name thats really different. like me. im a one of a kind girl. i like emo/punk music, im pissed, and im always happy except for now. nething unique? please help

Cool weird name for myspace?

Austistic Puppy

Cool weird name for myspace?

;liasd;blkjslakqtb lhlwtnvk

Cool weird name for myspace?

Your first name, because no one cares what your name is on myspace.

Cool weird name for myspace?


Cool weird name for myspace?


Cool weird name for myspace?

The description of yourself makes you sound like a million other people all the same...

Myspace name???

i need help thinking of a new myspace display name

my real name is stacy and i have a whole theme going on my page everythings black and white and kinda sad/emo looking. i want something to kinda go with that.

the one i have right now is

閳?forgotten identity 閳?br>

should i keep that one or do you guys have a better idea?

Myspace name???

Beautiful Little Disaster 閳?br>

Stacy Needs Spacy Hahaha :]

Myspace name???

Bob yates

Myspace name???


Kawaii myspace layouts?

can any body show me any an cafe, kawaii , cute emo ones thats still show a lil asian cute, nyappy layouts for my myspace?!!!

plz give the preview or code

Kawaii myspace layouts?

try headrush lyts, type it in on google search

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Myspace layout?

my friend has this really cool myspace layout that i wanna get if i describe it can you send me the url 4 it or the code please? Its emo and when u scrool down the words skulls and bones always scrolls down with it, the words are yellow. the back ground is black with pink and purple paint blots and it has skull and crossbones on it. At the bottom in a sort of impact print it says designs. The font for comments and the URL are Comic sans ms. and around every section its like little white lines going around the boxes. ive tried layout stealer, it doesnt work and please dont say ask him!

Myspace layout?

Use a website that can let you steal layouts from other users. I use and they have this layout stealing thing. They give you the exact code for the layout you've just found. All you have to do is enter the friend id and then...FINISH! You've just copied that dude's layout.

Myspace layout?

why not ask them for the code... and then you'll have the same... or ask them what site they got it from and make your own there

Myspace layout?

you can try

its a layout which you make yourself

just make sure you know the url to the backround picture and you are all set to do the rest!

Myspace layout?

u can look on

they have the best lyts!

Myspace layout?

sounds horribly....lame.. but you can easily just view the source %26amp; copy it, all the sites tell you to place in the 'about me' section right? so easy to spot since the code isnt indented like the rest of the site

but you should be original, not copy what everyone else is doing

Myspace layout?

Here are the layouts I could find like that

Myspace layout?

well theres like a lot of urls for myspace layouts such as IMHaven or and much more well look under his myspace url for his layout and just search that one is easy if you do it that way or look in his about me

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

I was just wondering, are there any Emo-ish Sakura/Sasuke Myspace layouts out there? Because I really cannot seem to find one...

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

Here you go:

This link gives you a bunch of cool Sasuke layouts:

This one gives you some Sakura ones:

The "Sexy Blind Sakura" one looks pretty emo-ish you might like that one. Just copy the code %26gt; go to edit profile on your myspace %26gt; and paste the code in the section that says "About me" %26gt; and there you go!

Hope this helps!~

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

make your own. and if you're too lazy, use a layout generator. ex: the one on

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

there are some on

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

u could also try

Naruto Myspace Layouts?

Heres a high quality sasuke one. The site has a ton of high quality naruto layouts and other anime layouts as well.

hope you like %26lt;3

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

well yer i am a lad and wanting an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask the barber for im wanting the one with the spiked back and long fringe can any1 help thts wat i look like now.

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

i'm a hairdresser and most will know what an emo is. take a picture, some people dont like to but i promise the stylist much prefers it when you take one. its so hard to explain a cut to a stylist, atleast with a picture you cant go wrong. good luck!

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

ask the barber to make you look more like a pathetic mamas boy who gets dropped off by the shopping mall to hang out in front of an orange julius with their suberbia friends to talk about how bad they have it in life.

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

I am a hairstylist and have no idea what an emo style is.Your best bet %26amp; your barber will appreciate it ,is to bring a picture of the style. Everyone has different names %26amp; ideas of what a style is but a picture never differs.

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

emo hair cuts on boys look cute. Just ask for an emo hair style , they'll know what u mean. sayyy can i have a long fringe ... and spikes at the back ..SIMPLEEE!!

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

search pictures. Take in a picture of someone in a band or something. Most stylist know what an emo hairstyle is.

Ok i want an emo hairstyle but i dont know what to ask im a male a lad btw?

search pictures on (its way better than google) and then show the picture to your hairdresser

maybe get highlights in it...or try a scene-ish hairstyle, theyre a lot like emo but for more 16-19 year olds if you get my drift lol

Two emo boys.....they like me..i like them....whcih one do i go for?easy to get best answer!?

O.k. well first off there's a emo boy named Chris and one named Sam.I know them both.Im going to compare them and you tell me which one i should go for.....But first i would just like to say that they like me and i like them but i dont really talk to them and one of my friends are telling them i like them cuz they dont know.ANYWAY HERE WE GO:

Chris-funny, but can be very strit

Sam-always funny and goffy

Chris-he has abbs...(^.^)

Sam-he's kinda a stick,but not that skinny


Sam-idk if he snowboards but he skateboards

Chirs-Is my friend on myspace

Sam-is not

Chirs-My hight

Sam-is a little bit taller than i am

Chirs-black hair/black eyes

Sam-brownish/black eyes

Chris-more like a skater

Sam-he is an emo

Chris-i didnt like him at first

Sam-i liked him right away

I see them both everyday.......There best friends...i think


I like to have fun,skateboard,and hung out


Two emo boys.....they like me..i like them....whcih one do i go for?easy to get best answer!?

Sam, because you said you liked him right away and i think girls should be shorter than there boyfriends

Two emo boys.....they like me..i like them....whcih one do i go for?easy to get best answer!?


Two emo boys.....they like me..i like them....whcih one do i go for?easy to get best answer!?

go for chris.

it seems like you have more in common with him.

Two emo boys.....they like me..i like them....whcih one do i go for?easy to get best answer!?

If you have to ask which of the guys to like, you probably don't like either... if its the right one you'll know by yourself.

Kawaii myspace layouts?

can any body show me any an cafe, kawaii , cute emo ones thats still show a lil asian cute, nyappy layouts for my myspace?!!!

plz give the preview or code

Kawaii myspace layouts?

try headrush lyts, type it in on google search

I really like emo boys?

I really like emo emo myself...kinda rockish...if ur emo give me ur myspace or a pic or a msn email or gina

I really like emo boys?

This really isn't the place for that. Maybe searching MySpace would be a better place to go...

I really like emo boys?

Emos guys are funny at concerts. Trying to act hard in the pits. Then guys like me(moshers) destroy them in the pits.

Blonde Emo Hair?

I really want to re-do my hair.

And I want an emo cut.

And I'd like to go blonde. Possibly with brown or black under.

dont add me. haha.

I have naturally dark brown hair.


Blonde Emo Hair?

Why on earth would you want an emo hair cut? Are you crazy or something?

Blonde Emo Hair?

the emo cut thing sounds fine but, don't dye it becasue it's really damaging and you prolly' won't get the effect of color you want.

Blonde Emo Hair?

Don't do blond do black or brown only

Blonde Emo Hair?

link doesn't work silly!

Blonde Emo Hair?

whats the question?? ur lionk doesnt work anymore hun. blkonde emo cts are good on pretty much anyone except really fat people, really old people, reaally pale people, or african american people. (not to be racist, just a fact - oesnt go well with blonde! =P)

Blonde Emo Hair?

The Emo hair is quickly going out of style. Not recommended.

Blonde Emo Hair?

i'm not sure if it's considered emo, but like an a-symetrical, short cut that's like bleach blonde with dark black or brown underneath looks pretty sweet on my friend.

with a side bang on the longer side of the head.

i personally think that this look would look pretty nice with your natural, dark hair color

hope it gives you an idea of what you want!

Blonde Emo Hair?

i never heard of "emo hair" but do u mean scene hair? lmao

and how could you be a fashion student when you're 14?



Blonde Emo Hair?

Go pink!!

Or whatever floats ya

I need a good myspace name! Please help!?

My name is Taylor... i need a myspace name... preferably emo-ish. Please help!

I need a good myspace name! Please help!?

How about the only miss taylor?

I need a good myspace name! Please help!?

Taylor Royal

I need a good myspace name! Please help!?

k everybody has a myspace name but if u get on it will mess ur cpu up and give u all kinds of virus if u want to make a webpage download bearshare

I need a good myspace name! Please help!?

rolyattaylor Your name spelled backwards and then forwards like a mirrior. Cool :) or Little Miss Death or little miss fake or little miss poser or little miss dark if thats emoish o_o? :)

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

i have fair skin,red hair,freckles,i am least thats wat im told.if u wanna see sum pics of me my myspace url is...DoIRockYourWorld send me a requset and ill accept ya!!!

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

2 words: Black eyeliner. It is imperative to apply all around your eye. Pointy eyeliner is appropriate. Try dragging it out a smidge at your inner (yeah, I did mean inner) corners of your eye. Applying a pretty eyeshadow is fine to change up your look (think dark colors though, like purple and blue). Red eyeshadow is also acceptable, taking into consideration your a scene kid. Lip balm takes care of your lips. You can use blush, but its mainly all about the eyes.

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

um....use heavier black eyeliner, make dramatic strokes, and perhaps the lines that come from the corner of your eye.

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

use heavy eyeliner and a lot of black mascara...but use fake tan

n use bronzer aswell

ad use a brown or pale pink lipgloss


put all of the emphasis on ur eyez

iv luked at ur myspace pic n u pretty so dnt spoil ur face


How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

just slit your wrists and rub the blood all over your face! smack on a whole stick of eyeliner on your lids with lots of mascara and BAM you are now emo!!!!!!!!!!

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

Die your hair black, wear dark (black) mascara and eye liner make it heavy! Good luck! Oh by the way i looked at your myspace and you are BEAUTIFUL!

How can i do my "emo make up" to look more awesome?

use eyeliner to draw a tear on your cheek, so that way everyone will know how sad you are.

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

Ok, There is this girl I really like and I found out she also likes me. She is in the Emo clique as most call it. I havent seen her for awhile until recently. My first question is how do I ask her out? I talk to her on myspace alot and I dont see her much around where I hangout at. Im a jockish, nerdy, emo. Im really liked by the girls.

My second question is how do I act around her? I have only dated preppy girls so I have no clue. I really like her so I dont want to mess up. Well that and I am a perfectionist. What do I do to solve these problems?

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

just call her up or meet up with her at school. on myspace, you can suggest hanging out. just relax and be cool. there's no set of rules and it doesn't matter if she is emo and you're used to preppy. if you get along with her online, you will get along with her in person. be yourself!

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

Well cutting yourself would be a good start for emo, uhm, reading shitty poetry and listening to shitty bands...whining a lot would probably endear them to you...SO yeah, just act more emo...

as for asking her out...just go up to her and ask her out to do something like "hey babe, wanna go play guitar hero?"

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

Labels are for soup cans, not people.

You can't define a person with a single label. Be yourself, she'll be herself, if you don't match then move on.

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

Gosh how old are you??

I'm 14 and i'm over the whole clique thing!!!

Its not like shes from another planet

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

Just be yourself!! And ask her when it feels right and how and when you want to. No one can time it for you or hand you a script and say "here do it this way." Nope sadly it doesn't work that way you gotta do this one on your own! Just be yourself, and everything will be fine. : )

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

yo ask her put by talking to her on myspace because its easier online then in person.

and act normal around her because you cant play it off forever

I might here soon be dating an Emo girl that I really like. I have 2 questions for this in 1 post.?

haha. must be a middle school thing.

if you're "emo" and she's "emo" then you should act emo together and that would mean be yourself because if shes emo too then she'll be able to tell if you're faking being un-emo.

and as for asking her out, just do it on myspace or ask for her number on myspace and call her up. that way its more personal.

What does EMO mean? I keep seeing it on myspace and other

An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)

2. Guy finds out, so he listens to ***** emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".

3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)

4. Emo guy is just too much of a *****. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bath, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.

5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with someone else!

What does EMO mean? I keep seeing it on myspace and other

I think it's related to being "emotional."

What does EMO mean? I keep seeing it on myspace and other

aw you poor sheltered child. well first of all there is this thing called google that might just explain better than me. well it started as over emotional. now it turned into a fashon statment where you have to dress in almost gothic clothing and wear your bangs across your face.

What does EMO mean? I keep seeing it on myspace and other

emo's are a group of people like preps and surfys homeys ect, they usually dress in punk like clothes like tight black jeans different hair cuts and into punky kinda music they are kinda gothic/punk

What does EMO mean? I keep seeing it on myspace and other

it means emotional.. people cut their wrists if they are EMO

Emo or prep......?

Should i be emo or prep, i kind of both right know. Buti dont know what i should be...

Heres my myspace pic so you could see it..


haha but i dont know im mostly punk. Because i have MILLIONS of tight pants and i also have like a MILLION abercombie shirts... Should i be mixed and both at the same time??? My friends say i dont know when i ask them , my mom doesent care, dad doesent care... brother... gangster,... Haha but i wanna be a skater... WELL actualy i am mostly a skater not punk because i have a skateboard, i go too the skatepark with my friends... But should i stay the same like i am right know or be a emo, or A prep...

Emo or prep......?

The answer: What is.... Avril Lavigne??!?!

Emo or prep......?

for you prep !

Emo or prep......?

prep emos are scary and have issues

Emo or prep......?

you should be skater or prep. but definatly not emo! emos end up being depressed and suicidle.

Emo or prep......?

Be yourself, not a soup can. Why do you need a label?

Emo or prep......?

Be yourself instead of trying to be a label. Good grief. Labels are for morons with low self-esteem.

Emo or prep......?

In that picture you look like a 12 years old but I would say prep. I hate emo.

Emo or prep......?

you should just be yourself, i dont follow too many trends. sure i look in fashion magazines and figure out whats cute, but in the end, it's all up to me about what i like and what suits my body. but if u were a mix of the 2, but dont have the emo attitude, cuz it sometimes seems that they're like: ooh i hate life, and they seem kinda sad

Emo or prep......?

i'm like you i would stay miked like i wear the same jeans but an aero shirt and black hoodie stay mixed you don't need to pick.

Emo or prep......?

Wow, everyone's to obsessed with labels..x_o

Emo or prep......?

prep.u have nice hair and da pastels dat preps have will compilment ur hair-dont change it!U should be prep.Cuz deres mad cute outfits 2 wear!:)

Emo or prep......?

be something that makes you happy, this is the thing with school and friends and dramas, the cliques, you either have to be one thing or the other and act a certain way be a certain way and dress a certain way, classifying people as preps, skaters, punks, emos, nerds, geeks, things like that, it's so messed up but you don't have to be a certain "type" to fit in or be happy just be yourself instead of following the trends

Emo or prep......?

Ummm, I'd say prep,but I don't really know if you could be considered "Emo..." maybe punk. 閳?br>Emo or prep......?

i am not saying to change who you are but, i would totally say prep you would be soooooooo pretty!

Emo or prep......?

you dont need a label. honestly. be who you are... and seriously? don't ask ppl what you should label yourself. thats just pathetic.

Emo or prep......?

Ur ugly...

go emo

Emo or prep......?


Emo or prep......?

You look like a prep to me..... (that means it's time for a change)

Haha... you look younger than me!! I'm 13, but people say that I look like I'm 16.... (they also say I'm gothic, and emo... those stereotyping *****)

Emo or prep......?

you sound like your more of the type to be in an avril lavigne cult. . . . .your really i want to be everything

what you want to be is TRENDY

......did you actually go up to your mom and be like mom should i be an emo or a prep???

and your friends say they dont care because its just weird to pick what stereotype you want to be

its like hmm i think i wanna be a . . . . . .prep today lets get those abercrombie jeans out. . . . .or emo today. . . . .MOM where the heck are my wrist bands and thick glasses??

it doesnt work that way

its more of what you like not what you want to fit into its not important to fit intoi harsh stereotypes


Emo or prep......?

I think you should stay a skater, but kinda a preppy skater cuz for everyone it is kinda hard to not be preppy= ]閳?br>Emo or prep......?

i don't think you're emo material if you have had to sink so low as to ask strangers what you should do with your own life. its kinda a bogus question


whatever keeps you content......

Emo or prep......?

prep! add me to your contacts!

Emo or prep......?

OKAY Calm down! lol =]

You dont have to be anything! Be yourself! Its the best! Im like preppy and goth and skater at the same time! I agree with you! Its totally weird!

Just be yourself and you will find yourself lol!

Hope I helped and best of luck! =]

Emo or prep......?

i bet ppl are tired of hearing this, but dis true to death. be yourself, stop stereotyping. don't be a xerox.

Emo or prep......?

k, are u joking? do you even know what emo is. its not all about looks, emos do things to themselves, they dont care what they look like. and your myspace picture is ugly, change it, and at 11, you shouldnt care about what you are. and nobody is categorized that way hun

Emo or prep......?

Honestly, you are pretty. Don't label yourself by dressing preppy or emo, they are just easily-dated trends. Just dress in what you like, when you shop don't think "Is this emo or preppy, will people like me because of it," think "Would I wear this a lot?" Just wear stuff you like, not what you think is in style.

Emo or prep......?

Well fist off you're a loser if you're trying to give yourself a label. That is so stupid.

Why don't you try to be yourself for a change...

Woah what a concept.


What are you, 10? You shouldn't even have a myspace let alone be posting your picture on the Internet.

Emo or prep......?

A%26amp;F is not punk or emo your already a prep in my opinion labels are for soup cans just be yourself and dress how you want to

Emo or prep......?

go with a preppy know what you are saying. you can be a prep at times, but you are also kinda punk/emo-ish. but you can be both. you can dress in an emo style, but make it preppy. that way you get the best of both worlds. try shopping at forever 21, pac sun and wet seal. i think these stores would suit your style the best.

Emo or prep......?

here's a better label


Emo or prep......?

i'd do prep but thats me

I need a cool myspace name for maddie? not something emo.. but the amERIKA was cool lol something li

here's some I came up with:




Or you can switch it up somehow. That's all I got, sorry if it seems emo. =[

I need a cool myspace name for maddie? not something emo.. but the amERIKA was cool lol something like that?

well maddie comes from an english origin so you could put like something cool and put in english language

Why is everyone on myspace trying so hard to look sexy, cool, emo, or goth? it's like kiddie gl

seriously! why is everyone lifting up their shirts, bearing their breasts, and always looking at the camera at an angle with a mysterious look so their eyes look like the cliche of a sexy guy or a serial killer...? some of them really need to like, put their shirts on and not take pictures of themselves doing drugs, having sex, and covering only their crotch in front of a mirror. it's so stupid, what do these things have anything to do with you as a person? it seems like judging people, or wanting to befriend anyone, is majorly based on looking cool or hott etc.. i do have a myspace account but... hell, i just like making profiles... bah. and does anyone care about their privacy or personal info anymore???

Why is everyone on myspace trying so hard to look sexy, cool, emo, or goth? it's like kiddie glam r' us...

Well, there are some people who care more about what others think of them, rather then what they think of themselves. Usually, having other people see them as 'cool' or 'hott' boosts their own self esteem and gives them confidence. On myspace, people browse through users and find the 'cool' or 'hott' looking people and add them as their friends in hope of being part of the cool group. People don't really take privacy into consideration because it just doesn't seem cool to other people that they hide their information so that other's can't find it.

It is a very strange world of people on myspace, one that I personally avoid, and although I do have a myspace account, I use it so I can communicate with my old friends and so if one of them were to look for me, they could see my current interests and personality.

*I would appreciate a vote for best answer so I may answer more questions a day!*

Why is everyone on myspace trying so hard to look sexy, cool, emo, or goth? it's like kiddie glam r' us...

well i have the same pic on myspace as i have here, and im just a fat old woman. I thought bare parts were against the rules on there.

Why is everyone on myspace trying so hard to look sexy, cool, emo, or goth? it's like kiddie glam r' us...

trying to be popular. that's how i see it. and also finding someone to love.

Why is everyone on myspace trying so hard to look sexy, cool, emo, or goth? it's like kiddie glam r' us...

They're trying to look "secksay for teh internet predators LOL!" And then dateline can make more "To Catch a Predator" shows. Just once I'd like to see them nab a lion on that show.

Why do myspace trains usually consist of emo kids?

Because they can. And Humans are not candy to be labeled

Why do myspace trains usually consist of emo kids?

So they can be emo together. I'm not sure.

Why do myspace trains usually consist of emo kids?

cause they take a lot of freaky pictures and they want more frans so they can comment them?

ha. i dont know. but i always see layout sitees.

Why do myspace trains usually consist of emo kids?

You mean "scene kids"? (there's a difference)

"Scene Kids" still think that if you have a million friends on myspace, that somehow that will transfer to your REAL life and you will actually be more popular in real life.

Adults realize what a silly high school game that is, and how pointless it is to go to such trouble, especially considering that the more friends you have, to more attractive your profile is to people who want to steal it, like spammers, phishers, and hackers

Why do myspace trains usually consist of emo kids?


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Are there any emo guys or girls out there with myspaces or emoscenes?

i am bored an i want to look a some pics

if your a black emo guy or girl or white or hispanic or chinese or indian or whatever you are let me get ur myspace or emoscene.

i need 2 talk 2 someone new so i wont think about my last break up so much.


Are there any emo guys or girls out there with myspaces or emoscenes?

not really much to say other than the myspace link...

Talk to me anytime, im usually logged on.

Are there any emo guys or girls out there with myspaces or emoscenes?

don't worry, be happy =)...the world is a beautiful place(as told by my old hippie friend)


Why do mostly emo people kill themselves?

i know this is a stupid question but i was bored. seriously you go on myspace and you see emos talking about i hate like and i cut my wrists and blah blah...WHY??? i mean people go through ups and downs in there life life always gets better and i heard you go to hell if you kill your self? cause life is a gift and you should live it. but who would want to go to hell its worse then here so if your emo PAY ATTENTION to this message and i wanna know if this is true??

Why do mostly emo people kill themselves?

emos are just gay little faggotts that listen to shitty music and have shitty clothes and shitty hair and are always talking about killing themselves but never do because thay are a bunch of ******* and i can only wait for the day that they do start killing themselves so that maybe when i have children thay can live in a much better emo free world.

Why do mostly emo people kill themselves?

what is emo?

Why do mostly emo people kill themselves?

i think its cuz the parentage. lol this emo at my scool wheres these stilt shoes....come on parents!

Why do mostly emo people kill themselves?

I've known people that have commited suicide, and none of them were emo. Emo is the lamest stereotype out there, if you wear Converse and listen to music with meaning behind it, it doesn't mean that you're suicidal and that you'll end up killing yourself. Some people that are labeled 'emo' that I know are actually people who get through wanting to commiting suicide, but didn't. People who kill themselves because they are depressed aren't only people who wear a bunch of black and listen to music that's not mainstream, they're people who have problems, which can be ANYONE, not just the kids people like you label emo.

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

I'm an emo kid

and I'm so depressed

I'll bet you can tell by the way I dress

My clothes are all black

I shop at Hot Topic

my myspace looks like

I'm so friggin gothic

I wear

dark make-up

around my eyes

if you see my slitting my wrists

you shouldn't be surprised

cuz I carry

my razerblade

everywhere I go

in case something upsets me

cuz you know I'm emo

I make streight Fs

I don't even try

who cares about my future

I'm committing suicide

cuz I hate myself

and I hate my life

you should feel sorry for me

I'm a sad white suburbinite

I am

so fat

I can barely see my ribs

I can't go on

when I'm looking like this


I wanna cut my throat

it's just the way I am

don't call me emo

You don't think it contradicts itself, do you? The way the speaker reffers to themself as an emo and then says "don't call me emo" because it's kinds supposed to be like how other people feel about emos speaking in first person as the emo, understand?

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

you definately have too much time on your hands. that is a pretty creative poem, its pretty much the same thing that everyone else says, very original.

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

I don't like it. You totally stereotyped emo's they don't all slit their wrists you know, and they are usually going though more than you could understand Report It

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

Uh, whatever...

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?


How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

i think it's pathetic, but then again any of that self pity bullsh!t is, the poem contradicts itself by saying feel sorry for you, and then later saying your killing yourself..why should i feel sorry for you becasue you suck at life? especially if your killing yourself..your a selfish hoo.

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

Where's the poem ?

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

Interesting poem, shows that you put a lot of effort into it.

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

i'm not emo but i guess that was good weird but kinda good i guessss....

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

Do you even know what EMO means? EMO means emotional and in no way is that a bad thing. People just get so wrapped up in these stereotypes that they never get to know a person.

How do you like my peom, I call this one 'Don't Call Me Emo'?

I hate poetry and emos, so this sucks.

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

---%26gt; First of all, Im a Girl. So keep that in mind please =)

Okay before you all tell me, ''if you were a real scene/emo kid and not a poser then you wouldn't need our help to find a haircut/hairstyle''. But i would like to let you know that just because i like their hair, it doesn't mean that i want to be scene or emo. I realize its not somthing you can change yourself into, its just what you are. its a type of lifestyle. So im not trying to be somthing im not, i just like that style of hair. So i know you can look on myspace for haircuts, but if you could i want links to actualy haircut sites, not just some random person off the internet please. and thanks for you help!

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

well, this is more of a 'collection of random people' but i used it to find a different color scheme for my hair [i knew i wanted black and pink, but i didn't know what i wanted it to look like]

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style? is going to be your savior! =]

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

Emo hair ROCKS! Do it urself if u want!!! THE MESSIER THE BETTER! WHOOP WHOOP! %26lt;3

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

emo "type of lifestyle" i aint too sure about that its more like way of criying for attention lol

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

I also think the models on (or have great hair

Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?


seriously I was just going to agree i kinda was looking into that haircut style too!


Help Me Find A Scene/Emo Haircut or Hair Style?

this website is great for finding things quick.

well, it wont load in my favorites. so go to google and type in this;

emo hair reference pics and emo god hair

^^ NOT MY WORDS, lmao. thats just the name of the site.

good luck.

Am i emo enough?

i pretend to play guitar to make me seem more emo.

even though im not very good.

i have an emo haircut. its spiked in the back and straight in the front.

i go to punk shows but i just sit in the corner because im too emo to mosh.

i dont have many friends because im so depressed all the time.

i cut myself then i make an effort to show everyone.

to make me seem hardcore

im in a band.

my boyfriend is the drummer.

he has long hair and listens to MCR.

i used to be straightedge but i smoked once.

so now im hardcore.

all my myspace friends are emo kids.

and i "went out with a boy on myspace"

his name was seth.

Am i emo enough?

not only do you sound like a poseur. I dont believe you do any of this. you just made it up to "sound" mainstream emo. MCR is not emo. emo isn't what MTV says it is. emo isn't short for emotional. its actually short for emotive hardcore....dont believe me read this article. hopefully you just copied this from a bulliten from myspace. because what kinda fool cuts themselves to show off. and because you like cried 3 times yesterday while listening to MCR (which isnt even emo) after band practice DOES NOT make you emo. So why dont you grow up, stop trying to be someone your not, be your self, see a therapist, and stop following myspace bullitens. peace.

Am i emo enough?

lol i hope so too. Report It

Am i emo enough?

to be REALLY emo you should probably just kill yourself for writing this stupid question.

Am i emo enough?

Take it from My EMONESS...No ur not EMO sorry

Am i emo enough?

take it easy!!! you're getting trashy! smoke? ouch! forget it!. if you're really into rock 'n roll life, you got to make it flow smooth and easy. cool... no stupid stuff.... peace

Am i emo enough?

do everyone a favor and shut one labels themselves unless they're a poser. so to answer that question no your not emo, your just another poser trying to act like someone your not. there are true emos out there in the world, but posers are a disgrace to true emos and make everyone look bad.

Am i emo enough?

how many times do i have to say this. emo is a type of music why are you trying to be something your not. whats the point? seriously. its sad. and people sef harm because they have seious problems not to show everyone to get a little more attension from's sad. the world doesnt need more people like this in it.

Am i emo enough?

LOL anyone who has to one tries to be labeled...people get labeled by being themselves and that's how others see them...why are you trying so hard?...for the boyfriend? Do you enjoy just sitting in the corner at concerts or would you rather be out there having fun? My son plays guitar and has long dyed black hair and we all just laugh hysterically when someone says he's "emo"...he's far too happy and friends with ALL kinds of different people to be labeled anything....just be true to yourself and stop trying to be something you obviously have to try so hard to be....

Am i emo enough?

Is this a joke???!! seriously...I mean God. I don't have anything to say really. I think everyone up above just answered for me.

Am i emo enough?

you know what? I wish my lawn were emo so it would cut itself! emo is a label that shouldn't have been created.

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

Okay before you all tell me, ''if you were a real scene/emo kid and not a poser then you wouldn't need our help to find a haircut/hairstyle''. But i would like to let you know that just because i like their hair, it doesn't mean that i want to be scene or emo. I realize its not somthing you can change yourself into, its just what you are. its a type of lifestyle. So im not trying to be somthing im not, i just like that style of hair. So i know you can look on myspace for haircuts, but if you could i want links to actualy haircut sites, not just some random person off the internet please. and thanks for you help!

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

hey, try here. :]

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

its all a buncyh of attention crap! No one is born an EMO or whatever they choose to be, they just want to let society see them as these poor little lost souls!!

I would never want to look like those idiots!

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

just let it grow out.

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

Get your hair with a choppy or layered look. higlights are popular for those hair cutes. uneven "bangs" too.! =]

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

it looks really cool

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style? has WONDERFUL styles all in the Emo/Scene style. I sure found styles and color that I'm considering! Check it out!

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style? may help you find it

How Can I Find A Emo/Scene Hair-cut or Hair style?

i like the scene hair myself. ive found some good hair styles on myspace but that can take for ever to search. other than that, i would sugguest that you go to a hair stylist and tell them some of the thing you like about scene hair and let the artist think of something original. i like the long side bangs with shorter bangs and kinda messy short hair on top.

Pocket emo naming?

ok im making a pocket emo for my myspace and idk what to name can be a retarded name or a real emo name i dont care so just give me some names

Pocket emo naming?


Pocket emo naming?


Pocket emo naming?

Muddy or Dirt

Pocket emo naming?

JoeJoe (cause that is the name of the emo who in that dr sues movie)

Myspace..........<3 (link inside)?

Hey Well Im a very outgoing person happy tomboy you know. But The Problem is I really like emo stuff LOL. im not myself but i think its soo freakin' kool looking. So this is my myspace

And I was wondering ur opinion cuz im thinking about changing it so could u give me a couple of ideas please


Myspace..........%26lt;3 (link inside)?

wow cool profile....................ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Myspace..........%26lt;3 (link inside)?

Whoa i love ur profile its cute i love emo stuff too

but i'm not emo but i think your profile is cute =]

Myspace..........%26lt;3 (link inside)?

i like "emo" default layouts on my myspace.

go to

or search myspace default layouts

on google.

it can really make ur page look good.

i also like hiding my video player too.

Myspace..........%26lt;3 (link inside)?

very cute! I wish mine was that pretty! I went for the natural look :)

Do girls like the emo look?

im not emo at all, I do wear tight jeans, and tight shirts like my chemical romance, but im outgoing and have no personality to emo guys, i have black spikey, and emoish kinda of hair, and am tall and skinny would girls find that attractive here is a pic i have black hair now

Do girls like the emo look?

everyone has their own opinion and style.

i personally dont like the emo look, but i know there are people who dont like my look either.

i respect everyones personal style so i dont mind it when i see people with an emo style, i just would nevr chose that look for me

Do girls like the emo look?

eeehh ok

Do girls like the emo look?

Not my style. I'm the sporty girl type.

Do girls like the emo look?


Do girls like the emo look?

I love the Emo, Goth, Punk, Rebel, Satanist Styles so yes some girls like the Emo look but it depends on what girl.

Do girls like the emo look?

You don't look emo at all. ;x

You look like a regular guy.

Not my cup of tea, but, yeah, I definatly know some girls who would find you attractive.

Do girls like the emo look?

i dont like the emo look, and you totally dont look emo at all, so that good. tight pants can be hot on some guys, just make sure there not SUPER tight cause then its a little wierd. ;) just do you, and im sure alot of girls will find you attractive

Do girls like the emo look?

I don't like "emo" anything, it's a cultural trend, that seems like everyone gets in line and follows. I rather be a leader than a follower. Men should wear clothes that fit them, not girly jeans. If you wear those type of jeans (to me), either your homosexual or a girl, which are you?

Do girls like the emo look?

some girls might like you and some might not. Just give it time and you will find the right girl. If you don't then you need to figure out a way just to be happy being yourself. don't change for someone else. be true to you.

Do girls like the emo look?


Do girls like the emo look?

i like your american eagle look.

you are hot :)

fave pic:

Do girls like the emo look?

Yeah. I think you're cute. So other girls prolly do too.

Do girls like the emo look?

Yea, You look really cute.

; )

Do girls like the emo look?

the link doesnt work

Do girls like the emo look?

I hate emos with a strong passion.

I think you should find your thing, and stick with it.

But not emos...emos are wanna-be punks. And that pisses me off ^_^

Do girls like the emo look?

If you're secure with who you are others will naturally be drawn to the confidence you exude. Clothing is less important than personality. The fact you are asking others online whether girls would find you attractive says you lack a strong sense of self worth. Work on that, then women will be drawn to you. Confidence is like a magnet.

Do girls like the emo look?

its alright but whered you get that shirt i have a friend that has the exact same one..

Do girls like the emo look?

Girls have diffrent types.I personally do like emo boys.

You don't look very emo. Your hair needs to be longer in the front and fringed.

Do girls like the emo look?

I love emo guys.

They are amazing.
